Friday, December 30, 2011

Start the New Year off Healthy!

From our friends at the Environmental Working Group

Here are some tips to help you make 2012 a safe and healthy year:
  • Choose products with simpler ingredient lists and fewer chemicals. Avoid synthetic fragrance and use fewer products overall.
  • Since the beauty industry is largely unregulated, it’s up to all of us to do our own research to find the safest products. Find out what’s in your favorite products by using the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database.
  • While it’s possible – and relatively easy – to reduce toxic exposures in your home by buying safer products, we can’t just shop our way out of this problem. The solution: help us change the rules of the game! We're working to pass new laws that protect our health and give consumers better information to make smart choices. Please stay informed, speak up, and spread the word.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Benefits of Sleep for the Skin

If you are woman in your  30's like me. Sleep is entity that can be lacking.  Yet sleep is essential to maintain your balance, your energy level while also managing your stress and weight. It is also important to use your more expensive organic/natural night creams and serums because when you sleep your skin is repairing itself while your body restores and renews itself. 

Sleep helps to repair your body.
Your body produces extra protein molecules while you're sleeping that helps strengthen your ability to fight infection and stay healthy. These molecules help your immune system mend your body at a cellular level when you are stressed or have been exposed to compromising elements such as pollutants and infectious bacteria.

Sleep reduces stress.
A good night's sleep can help lower blood pressure and elevated levels of stress hormones, which are a natural result of today's fast paced lifestyle. High blood pressure can be life threatening and the physical effects of stress can produce "'wear and tear" on your body and degenerate cells, which propel the aging process. Sleep helps to slow these effects and encourages a state of relaxation.

 The chart below shows the approximate amount of hours of sleep needed by age.

If you don't sleep or get enough of it, your body will shut down or release the toxins through your skin.

Sleep Requirements by Age
Newborns (0-2 months old) 12-18 hours
Infants (3-11 months old) 14-15 Hours
Toddlers (1-3 years old)l 12-14 Hours
Pre-schoolers (3-5 years old) 11-13 Hours
School-aged Children (5-10 years old) 10-11 Hours
Teens (11-17 years old) 8-9 Hours
Adults 7-9 Hours

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Benefits of Exercise for the Skin

It's no secret that I love to exercise to reduce my stress!  I love running, bike riding, Zumba, you name it I've probably tried it.  Exercise isn't just good to manage your stress and weight but it's also great for your skin too. Exercise promotes healthy circulation in your skin that gives you a glow. By increasing blood flow, exercise helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital. "Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to working cells throughout the body, including the skin, says dermatologist Dr. Ellen Marmur. Contrary to some claims, exercise doesn't detoxify the skin. The job of neutralizing toxins belongs mostly to the liver. "But by increasing blood flow, a bout of exercise helps flush cellular debris out of the system," says Dr. Marmur ." Keep in mind with any toxins in your body, they need to be released so that toxicity may come out as a breakout in your skin & swelling.

When you do exercise you should also take care to drink 1-2 glasses of water.Drinking lots of water flushes the liver and lymphatic system. It's important to release those toxins and to keep your body hydrated. Keep in mind if you are exercising outside to take care to wear sunscreen a great organic option is 100% Pure Pomegranate SPF 20 Coola Suncare also some great options for organic suncare.

Skin conditions that can improve when stress is reduced include acne and eczema. Although researchers are still investigating the link between stress and skin, studies show that the sebaceous glands, which produce oil in the skin, are influenced by stress hormones.

Mascara Safe for Sensitive Eyes!

We have so many clients who come into Eden Organix who have such sensitive eyes that can't wear mascara.  What is a girl to do?  Not wearing mascara is not realistic.  Two brands that I love are Jane Iredale's mascara & 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented mascara.  The New York Times has rated Jane Iredale's Mascara (score of 1 on the the most eco-friendly mascara on the market I've been using Jane Iredale's lengthing mascara is black for years with their Lash conditioner ( score of 1 on the and I love it.  But recently, I decided to check out 100% Pure's Fruit Pigmented mascara.  I have to say I really like it.  It actually smells like blueberries and it also has a low toxicity rating on the Cosmetic Safety Database which is a huge plus! By the way on the Cosmetic Safety Database things are rated 1-10 anything that is 1-3 is SAFE! Both companies are signers of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and their ingredients are fully disclosed so you really can't go wrong.

The Benefits of Exfoliation

Many people come into my store complaining about their skin. But the #1 product I find that people don't use is an exfoliant!  A very common exfoliant that people use is St.Ives Apricot Scrub.  St.Ives Apricot Scrub is one of the worst exfoliants on the market, and it has high toxicity rating on the Cosmetic Safety Database. Please check it for yourself here  The cosmetic safety database allows you to see the toxicity rating and safety of the products you are using on your body. In regards, to exfoliants there several organic options to choose from including 100% Pure Pineapple Scrub, Carrot Scrub, Superfruits scrub, Brightening Scrub, and Red Wine Reservatrol Scrub. Each of these scrubs are gentle yet effective and they are made with organic and natural ingredients.  Pangea Organics also makes a facial scrub it is a Egyptian Geranium with Adzuki Bean & Cranberry.  Physical exfoliants that you scrub on your skin are great to smooth out the texture of your skin and get rid of dead skin cells. But if you are having consistent breakouts then you should consider a at home peel. Peels are effective because they go below the surface of your skin to the subcutaneous layer to really kill the bacteria in your skin from the inside out. Two of my favorites are Juice Beauty's Green Apple Peel & Ilike Organic's Yogurt Power Peel.  Juice Beauty offers one for sensitive skin & full strength. Ilike's Organic yogurt power peel is focused on mild acne while also lightening and evening out the skin tone. Exfoliating has so many benefits! When you exfoliate you increase the cellular turnover rate for your skin to reveal that new fresh skin. It also sloughs off dead skin cells while helping with age spots, sun spots or skin discoloration. If you have never exfoliated then you should definitely start today. Your skin will love you.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kim Kardashian's Marriage

I've been married over 11 years and I am the first one to tell you that marriage is work! I believe what the Bible says, about marriage being a covenant, a man and woman shall leave their families and become one ( but that becoming one part really takes a lifetime. If I knew Kim personally this is what I would tell her heart to heart.

Dear Kim,

A wedding is a day a marriage is a lifetime. Divorce is not an option in my book. You need to learn how to build up, encourage and edify your man. At the same time your husband, should love you like Christ loves the church, and that's unconditionally. With all of your flaws and quirks, your husband may not be perfect but he's perfect for you. Don't throw away your marriage because of an argument. Turn off the cameras and really get to know each other. Marriage is about compromise and forgiveness. It's so easy to see the flaws in someone else and cast the first stone. In order to have a strong and successful marriage you need to work on becoming one and honoring your husband as the leader of your home, not criticizing him. Tell your husband, your love language so he can learn what they are and how to encourage you as a wife and woman. We all need help in marriage but you need to be careful who you turn to sometimes. Everyone, won't be supportive of your marriage so be cautious about who you share your feelings with but the best person to talk to is always God. He won't tell all your secrets and share it with the gossip columns. 

Thou Shall Not Go to an Interview with out Makeup

Do you want to rise up the career ladder? Then a little makeup can help you…
Women are rising higher into the ranks of Corporate America and starting new businesses everyday. But did you know a little makeup can help?  I know it’s a double standard…men can have a beer belly and have hair growing out of their ears and nose but a woman has to maintain a certain appearance while also juggling her job duties.  Makeup can be helpful if it’s not overdone. According to the NY Times article, just taking the time to apply a little eyeliner, mascara and lipstick can make you feel better and give you a more polished look.

Taking that extra five or ten minutes to finish your makeup will make you feel more confident and might help you get that promotion.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Eating Healthy? At Least Trying

We are constantly inundated with mixed messages. The USDA, First Lady Michelle Obama, and very fitness guru tell us to eat healthy with 5 fruits and veggies a day. In our community, we're told to shop locally, help the local farmers, go to the farmer's market or even grown your own garden. But the reality for most families is that they are too busy to even consider growing a garden.  When we drive anywhere in America we are given the convenience of Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Red Lobster, Panera, Chipotle, or KFC. It's amazing my children knew these logos and brands before they were even able to read. So how do we as a community, teach our kids and ourselves for that matter the importance of eating healthy, balance meals while also supporting these businesses that bring money to our respective communities?  How do you achieve that balance?

Then of course, when we venture into more depressed areas there is a lack of quality fruits and vegetables in the grocery stores. If you have watched Food Inc. it discusses the battle in America's food chain right now.  Tell us how you achieve balance with your Food or at least how you try?

Why Eco-Conscious? Why Me?

My love affair with beauty products began while I was still playing dress-up in my mother’s shoes and make-up. Over the years I’ve been made to feel like a beauty queen through its magical, transforming powers, but things got serious when I realized these products were more than just perfect colors and shades. While in college, I had the life changing opportunity to study and do research at M.I.T. in cosmetic surfactants (surface chemical reactions). I learned that we’re more than just what we eat, but that what we put onto our largest organ, the skin, has lasting consequences to our health and well being. This new found enlightenment led me on a holistic journey for natural organic products, and continued to play an underlining role in all that I did.

I graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering, but instead of choosing a more traditional path, my quest steered me into sales, calling on some of largest cosmetic companies in the world. I learned the ins-and-outs of the business side of the world of cosmetics, but I wanted my journey to continue beneath the surface, so I returned to school for my esthetics-skin care license. What a wonderful and eye-opening experience! Esthetics has given me a holistic view of skin care. Instead of running to a dermatologist who would prescribe creams and ointments filled with parabens and other toxic chemicals, I learned about organic and naturally based skin care products that are just as effective, but without the harmful toxins. This “hands-on” experience combined with my Chemical Engineering background unites to form my unique foundation of knowledge.


To whom much is given, much is required, that’s what my Uncle D used to always say to me, and I have taken this mantra to heart. My life is driven by giving back and serving others. It’s a lifestyle, and when you bless others, you open the door for love to enter. Eden Organix gives back by creating human capital. This is done through scholarships, by supporting jobs for women who have fallen on hard times and by donating 10% of our profits to causes devoted to helping the environment and all women and children. I call this Purpose Driven Beauty, and it’s my passion. Some of our current initiatives have included Makeover Day. This uplifting event gave women from a transitional home much needed new suits, facials, hairstyles, makeup and a new lease on life. My philosophy is simple, if you can help people first, you can help the environment.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Nail Bar & Lounge

Ready, Set, Go: Eden Organix to Launch Organic/Vegan Nail Services-Nail Bar
Eden Organix set to launch organic/vegan nail services by the beginning of October. Committed to a chemical free environment, this Central Jersey Eco-Conscious Boutique and Spa is staying away from conventional and harmful nail products and redefining standards of nail services.
Who/what: After 3 years of enriching the lives of clients with organic, natural and eco-essential products and services, Eden Organix is ready and set to go forward with the launch of organic and vegan nail services. Where: Stationed in Highland Park near Rutgers University, New Brunswick Campus, everyone from college students to working moms will attest that Eden Organix is one of the only Spas, and future Salons with a complete eco-friendly environment and experience.  In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Eden Organix has decided to launch its nail services in October to raise awareness on the harmful products found in traditional nail polishes and the benefits of chemical free nail services. Contrary to a typical nail salon wit harmful nail products, Eden Organix will redefine the standards of nail services by providing chemical free environment, services, and products, to benefit both the consumers and employees.
The consequences of what we put on our bodies are no different than what we put into our bodies. People do not always think that when they apply mascara to their eyelashes, the carcinogenic coal targets gets absorbed in their system as well or that when they apply skin lotion with parabens it puts harmful chemicals into their blood stream. The effects of these harmful products people put on their nails are no different. Conventional nail polish contains a cocktail of chemicals, about 70% - such as acetone, toleune, ethyl acetate, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and formeldehyde. After repeated use, these nail polishes have far more significant consequences than discolored, brittle, or weak nails. The major effects of these chemicals are hormone disruption, severe birth defects, neurological damage which affects the nervous system, and these chemicals are being linked to cancer.
The nail polishes and products that contain harmful chemicals can effect more than just the person using the products. These products can pollute the environment during production and use. The production of phthalate pollutes the air, water, and soil. Formaldehyde is one of the world’s most hazardous compounds to both ecosystems and health according to the Environmental Defense Scorecard. When nail polish is applied to nails, the solvents evaporate into the air, generating toxic chemical fumes, giving off the awful “chemical smell” that threatens human health when inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Anyone who walks into a traditional nail salon, finds it hard to breathe because they are surrounded with heavy polluted air and they are inhaling all of the toxic fumes.
Eden Organix promises a completely eco-friendly environment with its Spa and organic/vegan nail services. While most environmental groups in other countries are banning certain chemicals to be used in cosmetic products.  Eden Organix will feature the exclusive organic and vegan Zoya and SpaRitual spa brands. They are free of harmful products, ensuring the safety of the consumers, employees and the environment alike. Call Eden Organix Eco-Conscious Beauty Boutique & Spa at 732-325-9090 or book your appointment online at