Saturday, October 15, 2011

Eating Healthy? At Least Trying

We are constantly inundated with mixed messages. The USDA, First Lady Michelle Obama, and very fitness guru tell us to eat healthy with 5 fruits and veggies a day. In our community, we're told to shop locally, help the local farmers, go to the farmer's market or even grown your own garden. But the reality for most families is that they are too busy to even consider growing a garden.  When we drive anywhere in America we are given the convenience of Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Red Lobster, Panera, Chipotle, or KFC. It's amazing my children knew these logos and brands before they were even able to read. So how do we as a community, teach our kids and ourselves for that matter the importance of eating healthy, balance meals while also supporting these businesses that bring money to our respective communities?  How do you achieve that balance?

Then of course, when we venture into more depressed areas there is a lack of quality fruits and vegetables in the grocery stores. If you have watched Food Inc. it discusses the battle in America's food chain right now.  Tell us how you achieve balance with your Food or at least how you try?

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